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A Free Short Story!

Seira was taught to fear her family’s deadliest secret, to keep it safe, and to never use it under any circumstances.

After years of struggling to live on her own as a child, Seira finds herself thrust into prostitution. One night, she is kidnapped, and she wakes to the breath of a salivating amarok. Her hands are tied, and she had no means of escape. She has only two choices: die or break her promise.

Seira begs for help from the spirit possessing her family’s deadly heirloom.

Latest Books

Stephanie is hard at work on many books to quench your thirst for dark fantasy or urban fantasy!

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A Dark Fantasy Serial

An uncoming serial planned for Kindle Vella!

Eliza runs away from capture only to stumble into the magical trap of an evil spirits. She frees a troubled sould by the named of Sebastian. Can she trust him to help her escape?

Still in the early planning stages

Merged Fantasy Series

An upcoming set of urban fantasy novellas based on a world where the magical world collided with the human world.

Still in the early planning stages.

A Grisly Path (A Lost ones Prequel Novella)

A paladin’s struggle between his faith and morals.

The Church of the Overseer is greater power with the land than any king, and all live in fear of the priests.

Olve, an orphan raised as a paladin, wanted to bring peace of mind to all. On a typical cleansing in the forest, he meets a demon child who was tortured in the past. Could he continue to serve an organization that justifies harm to children, whether demon or human?

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